While some people are changing the styles of their blogs to more clean and simple themes I decided that I will go with my favorite color and some nice picture
The main reason that made me change the looks of the blog is that many of the new posts are using the PRE tag and [...]
One of the problems when you are migrating a server is actually migrating the traffic from the old IPs to the new IPs.
Since we were doing that fairly often for some of our server I have used one very common trick, which was to use DNAT + SNAT to move the traffic from the old [...]
For me, this book was more like a manual then a true in depth learning. It is a very good and easy to read book. One of the best things was that while reading the book it was actually making me to read more and more. I actually finished it in less then three or [...]
Today I had to install MySQL Proxy on one of our servers.
What I found was that the current stable version 0.7.2 requires more resent version of Glib2 then what comes with CentOS 5.4.
So here is what I did in order to build it with a different version of glib2 then the default installation:
LUA: download & [...]