For the past few days I’m implementing various attacks related to the TCP protocol.
I just finished a TCP connection flooder which can bring almost any service to complete stop with as little as 75Kbit/s and 12 packets per second.
This is for one service only. But if you combine this with a second service, for example [...]
One of the problems when you are migrating a server is actually migrating the traffic from the old IPs to the new IPs.
Since we were doing that fairly often for some of our server I have used one very common trick, which was to use DNAT + SNAT to move the traffic from the old [...]
For me, this book was more like a manual then a true in depth learning. It is a very good and easy to read book. One of the best things was that while reading the book it was actually making me to read more and more. I actually finished it in less then three or [...]
Today I had to install MySQL Proxy on one of our servers.
What I found was that the current stable version 0.7.2 requires more resent version of Glib2 then what comes with CentOS 5.4.
So here is what I did in order to build it with a different version of glib2 then the default installation:
LUA: download & [...]
I started to use syscalls in Perl scripts a long time ago. One of the main issues I face every time I install a script on a new machine is creating Perl header files from the C headers.
It is supposed to be done very easy:
# cd /usr/include
# h2ph *.h
# h2ph */*.h
With this we should have [...]
Налага ни се скоро да мигрираме един web server. Но с цел по-лесно и сигурно мигриране решихме, че няма да сменяме DNS записите преди да са минали 24-48h. Това обаче наложи един нерпиятен проблем със статистиките за трафика към сайта
Всички request-и започват да идват от един адрес заради NAT-а който правим за да закараме [...]
Днес реших да си подкарам UMTS картата която имам от фирмата. Под slack-а всеки път беше с доста аквилибристики при смяна на ядро Във федорката обаче се оказа страшно лесно.
yum install comgt wvdial
копирах си wvdial.conf-а от slack-а създадох нов udev rules файл (/etc/udev/rules.d/48-umts.rules):
BUS==”usb”, KERNEL==”ttyUSB0″, SYSFS{interface}==”Data Interface”, \
SYMLINK+=”umts”, RUN+=”/usr/local/sbin/”
BUS==”usb”, KERNEL==”ttyUSB2″, SYSFS{interface}==”Data [...]