For the past 3 times when I was teaching Linux System and Network Administration at the Sofia University I’m using a tool to generate the tests.
Since today I had to again fix some issues in the generator I decided that I will publish it on GitHub.
So here is the repository.
For a few years I was thinking about controlling the (un)locking and start/stop of my car via GSM. Two weeks ago, me and a friend of mine finally did it. Using a simple Arduino Uno plus GPRS Shield and Relay Shield we were able to call the Arduino and trigger a relay to open or [...]
Here is one pretty easy and useful one liner in Perl:
perl -MDevice::SerialPort -e ‘Device::SerialPort->new(”/dev/ttyACM0″)->pulse_dtr_on(300);’
And here is a fully functional perl script that I wrote for the same purpose:
use Device::SerialPort;
sub find_dev {
my $test = shift;
my $dev = ”;